Friday 5 March 2010

Laptop Heaven

I don't even believe it, except for the fact that this is typical of my life! So 2 weeks ago I splurged and bought myself a gorgeous new laptop, red on the outside, white on the inside (that's all that really matters, right?), dual core thingy, Photoshope Eliments and Windows 7 included and I loved it. Well, it would seem that I wore it out. So, Wednesday evening when I came to post on the blog...nothing - zilche - not even a funny noise. So eventually, (around midnight) I decide to call the tech guys ( I'm suddenly glad I got suckered in to paying for the "whatever happens" cover). He talks me confidently through the diagnostic test but soon, even he admits defeat.

It would appear that my lovely laptop has gone to PC heaven and is no more for this world, after 2 weeks? - you gotta be kidding me. So now I am back to the OLD house computer - this baby is so past it we had to wipe everything and now she doesn't even have Word installed. So, until my new arrival comes, (better be soon!) I can't do nice things on the blog as I'd like, but when it comes, I promise I'll be right on it.

Let's hope PC World make me a happy bunny very soon. Heyho!

1 comment:

Emily S said...

Sad day! I hope your replacement comes soon!

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