Everyone I speak to is fed up of being so sweaty during the day and struggling to sleep at night.
I tried to buy a fan today - I tried several large well known retailers to no avail. It would seem that there are no fans to be purchased within a 50 mile radius at least!
I was happy last week to host a garden party; gazebo, bunting and a few bottles of non-alcoholic fizz helped create the perfect setting (well almost).
I found this amazing watermelon cake on Pinterest (on the left) and set to work on my adapted version.

I was so pleased with how it turned out and gave everyone a surprise with the first slice.
This is smörgåstårta, a Swedish dish. It's basically a huge sandwich with a layer of tuna and baby gherkin in lemon mayo, smoked salmon pate, egg and cress mayo with tomatoe, and prawn cocktail with bread separating the layers. the whole thing is covered in cream cheese and decorated....lush.
Excuse the chipped plate - WHAT WAS I THINKING? But once that baby was done I wasn't going to move it until I had to serve it.
So, I enjoyed the weather last week, struggled this week - maybe I need to host another party?